POP-UPS: The impact of temporary placemaking on individual and community health

By Health Promotion Services (other events)

Wednesday, April 1 2020 8:30 AM 10:00 AM EST

POP-UPS: The impact of temporary placement on individual and community health will focus on exploratory discussions on how pop-ups (farmer’s markets, street closures, beer gardens, etc.) can impact the health of individuals and communities. Throughout the discussion attendees will hear about various types of pop-ups from individuals representing, City of Norristown, Cooper’s Ferry Partnership,  Drexel University,  Health Promotion Council, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health US Department of Health and Human Services, Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, Public Health Management Corporation, SEAMACC, and 5th Square.

1.5 hours of AICP CM credits available

Thank you to our sponsors Health Promotion Council, Public Health Management Corporation, AARP PA, Inc, and Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission.